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Суббота, 27 Июл 2024

MBA -Master of Business Administration, by Anglo-American University in Prague

MBA -Master of Business Administration, by Anglo-American University in Prague

MBA - Master of Business Administrationtion

  • Top level MBA program
  • Provided in cooperation with Argyros School of Business and Economics (ASBE), Chapman University, USA
  • AACSB, WASC accreditation; joining member of CAMBAS
  • 60 % of the program taught by ASBE
  • Students can spend part of their studies in Chapman University, California
  • The program can be completed in 16 months
  • MBA degree awarded by Chapman University
  • Provided in weekend format

Our graduates emerge from the MBA program infused with an understanding that in order to create and enhance value, management must think creatively, behave proactively, and communicate effectively. The program gives students the competitive advantage necessary to become leaders in dynamic market driven economies.

“Be the best in the Business”

Courses: Strategies for Competitive Advantage, Economic Analysis for Business, Statistics for Business Decisions, Marketing Management, Accounting & Financial Analysis, Operations & Technology Management, Understanding the Global Business Environment, Organization Design & Behavior, Financial Management, Strategic Management + a choice of elective courses: Derivative Securities and Markets, Financial Markets and Institutions, International Marketing, Marketing Research, Human Resources Management, Project Management, Business Ethics, Creativity and Innovations, Entrepreneurship, Consulting

Argyros School of Business and Economics, Chapman University

ASBE is one of the elite 540 schools of economics from the total number of 8,000 business schools which gained prestigious accreditation from AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). The excellent quality of the school is backed up by its faculty, namely by 2002 Nobel Prize laureate in Economics, Prof. Vernon Smith.

For more detailed information and to apply for programme, please contact us: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Дополнительная информация

  • программа обучения: MBA
  • ВУЗ: Anglo-American University in Prague
  • вид ВУЗа: частный

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