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Понедельник, 21 Окт 2024
Академия искусств, архитектуры и дизайна в Праге

Академия искусств, архитектуры и дизайна в Праге

The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, was founded in 1885 and was the first and the only state art school in the Czech lands. In accordance with the foundation letter-patent, the main task of the school was “to educate forces skilled in the arts for the purposes of art industry, and to train teachers' forces for the purposes of education in the fields of arts and crafts and for the purposes of teaching drawing at high schools.” Although, at that time, the School had neither university nor college status, it already exceeded the regular system of college education: it was subordinated directly to the Ministry of Education, and, from the very beginning, was managed in the spirit of free and creative approach of the educators.


Today, the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design is deeply involved in numerous international projects, expands its education program in the field of both free and applied arts and, last but not least, has launched its own editorial series of art publications and new exhibitions.

The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design consists of five departments

  • Department of Architecture
  • Department of Design
  • Department of Fine Arts
  • Department of Graphics
  • Department of Applied Arts
  • Department of Art History
  • Department of Aesthetics

Study Programs

  • Master six-year full-time studies
  • Doctoral studies
  • Life-long education

Study Language

  • Czech

Foreigners may be accepted for studies only if they prove an adequate knowledge of the Czech language by the certified test – A2-level or pass this language test between the first and the second round of admission procedure (organised at AAAD).

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