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Понедельник, 21 Окт 2024
Химико-технологический институт в Праге

Химико-технологический институт в Праге

The Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague (ICT) is the biggest educational institution of its kind in Central Europe. The school is almost 200 years old and its tradition combined with progressive fields of study allows every student to get in touch with advanced technologies. The Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague thanks to its international reputation together with the good educational quality offers a prospect of a prestigious and highly remunerative professional career both in the Czech Republic and worldwide.

The school has the following faculties:

  • Faculty of Chemical Technology
  • Faculty of Environmental Technology
  • Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
  • Faculty of Chemical Engineering

Study Programs

  • Bachelor studies (Bc.)
  • Master studies (Ing.)
  • Doctoral studies (Ph.D.)

Study Language

  • Czech
  • English

The detailed info of the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague study programs could be found here

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