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Понедельник, 21 Окт 2024
Школа кинематографии в Праге

Школа кинематографии в Праге

Prague Film School is ranked among the world's leading film schools. This is due to its accelerated and hands-on programs, its international faculty, its beautiful location in Prague and its committed and global student body.

The school's mandate with the Czech Ministry of Education is to provide professional-level training and the Prague Film School is dedicated to developing not only informed auteurs, but crew and post production professionals.


Prague Film School offers the following full-time programs:

• Filmmaking:
Core studies and specialization in screenwriting, directing, cinematography and post-production.

• Animation:
Core areas: animation techniques, character animation, post-production. After Effects, Maya, ZBrush and Vue.

• Documentary Film:
Conceptualization, visualization, preproduction, dramaturgy, interviewing techniques, shooting strategies, lighting, sound, camera operation and aesthetics, documentary history, theory and traditions, human rights documentary and alternative genres and more.

• Acting for Film:
Acting for film traditions, voice and physical training, improvisation, Meisner technique and image based acting, monologue training, film craft, portfolio building and professional and student film production work.

Prague Film School programs are decidedly fast-track. The school's overriding philosophy is to integrate theory and practice so students obtain the intellectual and technical skills to produce quality films. The school aims to promote artistic creativity while instructing industry craft skills.

Being based in Prague, the ethos of the school is a mix of European art-house and American independent cinemas. Faculty members consist of top international and Czech professionals who daily mentor and coach the creative, artistic and professional development of the students.

What makes the Prague Film School different from many national film academies or major private film schools abroad or in Europe? Prague Film School is characterized by its small size, accepting a maximum of 50 students in its year and semester programs and 20-25 in its summer filmmaking programs. This provides a particular intimacy to the educational and filmmaking experience, promoting close work relations with teachers and students and affording easy access to film-making facilities and a red-tape-free working environment.Students studying at Prague Film School enjoy a fast-paced hands-on program in an unique environment in one of the world’s most beautiful capitals, Prague. Prague Film School is located in the heart of the Prague old city.

Apply for the 2010 Spring Semester Program (January 9 - May 8, 2010).

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